Here you can try out the Shark’s Head interfaces, both mobile and desktop, on your own device. This is not a canned demo. It is not a replay of data. It is a live system, where you can see values change in real-time, see all the configuration options (and even change some), see real-time graphs, and much more.
To access the system you’ll need these remote login details:

  • Remote username: demo
  • Remote password: remote demo

Below is the mobile interface embedded within this page. If you’d like to experience Shark’s Head on the device you’re using right now, go to

The demo system contains

  • HQ, the central hub of all activity
  • GPS module, based on a U-blox Neo-6M receiver
  • TPH module, reporting atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity
  • Two bilge water modules, reporting the presence of water and bilge pump activations
  • Flammable gas detector
  • Carbon monoxide gas detector
  • PDI module, a passive infrared motion detector
  • Device controller (DC) module, a flexible remote switch

The HQ gathers the sensor data from the modules and presents this via the two web interfaces. It also analyses the sensor data to raise alerts should a threshold be breached.

A GEO-fence has been configured to raise an alert should the system move outside the fence.

The PDI and DC modules have been configured into a night light, where the PDI provides presence detections, and the DC powers a LED strip and provides dimming and fade features.

With a Shark’s Head system, both web interfaces are available to you when you’re on your boat; no Internet required. And if your HQ is connected to the Internet, say, by a 3G/4G modem, as ours is here, then the same level of access is available over the Internet via the Shark’s Head Online service. With Shark’s Head Online you can also receive alerts via SMS or Email. All SMS and Email details are maintained by you through the web interface.

And as a final note, if you’ve used the URL above and you see the desktop interface even though you’re on a phone or tablet, you can get to the mobile interface via a link in the top-right corner. You might have to pinch-zoom to see it.
